Whether Drug Test Kits Are Legally Approved?

Compulsory employee drug testing is increasing in US and more considerations are given to such practices. In mid 1980s, US began compulsory drug testing programs in workplace to all public and privates companies. But due to some problems the drug testing made compulsory in only private sectors.

Many reasons are given by employers regarding the drug test like drug test kits were not affordable, positive drug abuse was not relevant to the job performances. Urinalysis was the method used for drug testing, with legally approved products. Due to some drawbacks, urinalysis was not appropriate to use for drug testing at work place.

Hair testing was the latest drug-testing technique being promoted in the United States after urinalysis, these test are less disturbing and more reliable than urinalysis. Without any legislation the results were not considered as evidence and so many questions were left answered. Finally, in mid 1980s only the drug testing methods were legally approved by the Government for drug testing at workplaces.