How to Secure Data with Oracle Database Security

Oracle databases are the most commonly used databases in many organizations to store and secure the data. These databases are used by many government enterprises, corporate and non profit organizations. Oracle database systems offer strong security tools to consumers with little overhead or setup complexity, these are reliable and fast compared to other database systems. Installing oracle database tools reduces the risks of cyber crime, and identifies theft. Oracle database security is designed in such a way that its tools attend the main security domains, such as, data integrity and confidentiality; user authorization and authentication and non repudiation.

Following are the instructions to secure your data with Oracle database security:

  • First thing is to analyze the set up of the database system, that is check whether it is physically protected or not. The database server must be maintained in a secured area with adequate fire suppression systems and anti theft protection.
  • Review the database configuration files and also see whether Oracle Database Security options are enabled within the configuration.
  • Check the computers that have access to your database server via firewalls or other Oracle software security tools.
  • Enabling multi access control system within your Oracle database configuration provides strong authentication and authorization of all users with access to the database. With the help of this system you can separate and customize the available data and authorized database operations for any given users.
  • Data encryption features the database which is handled by the database server, so there is no need to worry about decrypting data on database access. Data encryption protects the data stored against attackers. Various options are provided by Oracle database control panel, such as enable/disable SSL/TLS and to customize its features.
  • Specialized analysis programs and Oracle based logs can detect this behavior and block bad hosts from your system. The features of Oracle database security such as, log monitoring and fast response are very much useful in detecting and handling database breach incidents.

Security for database is very much essential, hence, one has to follow all the above given instructions in order to protect your data from any kind of security breach.