Businesses in India Using Social Networks to Reach their Customers

Online business is changing the traditional business processes. In India, online business is increasing quickly; it will be accelerated faster in the future too. Businesses in India are increasingly using the social networks to promote their businesses or products.

As per the Octane Research gearing up e-marketing in India 2012. As per the research, around 69% of the marketers gave a response on online promotions; 53.1% of marketers planned to use e-mail marketing and 46% of people wanted to use their own websites.

Research on digital network usage for marketing professions for 2011 shows that social media usage percentage was 61%, search marketing 42%, e-mail marketing 40%, website development 34%, video 16% and web cast 11%.

In India Internet penetration is low. But web marketing companies are slowly and steadily increasing their interests on online business. Most of the small and medium size companies in India updating their business with online marketing.